Standard Funeral Filming
(Recording Only - Livestream Add-on Below)
(prices excluding GST & Mileage - per kilometre - terms & conditions below)
Pre-Production, Travel & Setup, Filming, Packdown & Post-Production for Standard Funeral Service
Booking of livestream funeral service on YouTube (or other service required by Funeral Home) with link sent to Funeral Director
Importing of Service Sheet to play for audience watching the livestream and/or overflow audience
Adding of Photo/Visual Tribute to Video Player to play a high quality version for livestream audience
Travel to Funeral Location
Setup of 4K and 6K Cameras with individual tripods (minimum of x3 cameras, more if necessary and if time and location and space limitations)
Running of video & power cables from cameras to video mixer (lengths between 2m to 50m HDMI cables)
Colour matching between cameras
Wireless Microphone with Mic Stand for livestream (seperate from location audio)
Mixing of each service sheet to play for livestream audience (and overflow, where applicable)
Mixing between 3-5 cameras throughout the service
Mixing and monitoring of audio
Playing of Photo/Visual Tribute for livestream and/or overflow audience to coincide when played at service*
Packdown of Gear and Travel Back to Base
Two-Hours of Editing for High Quality copy of Funeral Service
Delivery of Engraved Pen Drive to Funeral Home (seperate cost of $35)
Uploading of Service to a Google Drive folder to be shared with Family via Funeral Director
Uploading of Remastered Funeral to YouTube or Funeral Home Livestream site (if necessary, only used in cases where there is poor connectivity for a service that has been livestreamed)
Livestream for Standard Funeral Service
(this is a seperate add-on cost)
Booking of livestream funeral service on YouTube (or other service required by Funeral Home) with link sent to Funeral Director (who in turns sends it onto the family and makes necessary posts)
Importing of Service Sheet to play for audience watching the livestream
Adding of Photo/Visual Tribute to Video Player to play a high quality version for livestream audience
Setup and Utilising of 4G Vodafone Mobile Sim Card Modem with x2 Cellular Antennas to Livestream Unit*
Setup of Livestream Unit with Vodafone SIM Card, and Hotspotting to iPhone 12 Pro Max XL*
x3 Cellular Bonding (as and when required)
Playing of Service Sheet prior to service & Photo/Visual Tribute for livestream audience to coincide when played at service
** New Feature**
6-Digit Secure Site
While most funerals are open to the public, there are instances and reasons for having a complete shut-down of a service from the public and the media. This option will require anyone wanting to tune in to the livestream or view the recording at another time to enter a 6-digit numerical code. However, this funtion isn’t unlimited. It will allow for 1TB of viewership which can be estimated at approximatley 200 viewers of a 2 1/2hr service. Price includes livestream costs and 1TB of livestream viewership.
Laptop for Playing Photo/Visual Tribute
50’’ Overflow Television with 50m HDMI Cable
Portable Sound System - Now Available
Pre-Recording of Virtual Eulogy
Engraved Pen Drive
(this is always at cost - often, the engraver will lower the price if there are a few ordered)
$1.05 per km
Multi Stream to More than One Site
$150 per extra site
32’’ Cry Room Television
Ideal for services that may have small children attending. What is seen and heard on the livestream will be what’s on this monitor. Can also be used as a Confidence Monitor for speakers
Filming of Burial Service
Filming and Livestreaming at Burial
Terms & Conditions
Please pay your invoice before the due date.